The Tao of Midwifery

And so, the Midwife performs

her work by doing nothing.

She teaches without speaking a word.

Things arise and she lets them come.

Things leave and she lets them go.

Creating, not possessing,

Working and laying no claim,

And when her work is done, she forgets it,

And so it lasts forever.

~From Tao de Ching


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Accompanying and supporting you before and during birth.


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Before, during & after birth. Maintain balance, promote birth if necessary, reduce pain, support labour & speed recovery.

60 mins |  $80-180$

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Placenta Reading

Reading messages from the baby to the parents and to humanity.


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Placenta Encapsulation

Dehydrating and processing the placenta so it’s easy to consume.



A mother was meant to give birth and a baby was meant to be born.

I’m here to witness you on your journey to motherhood, accompany you before, during and after birth and be there to answer your needs. I’m here to empower both, the mother and the father, on this journey of transformation, guide, consult, advice and assist in creating the ideal birth environment for you and give you confidence and trust in this beautiful process. I encourage the father to take an active part in childbirth. To act upon his natural instincts during labour. Mothers have the right to choose caregivers with a holistic approach who can facilitate normalcy, transformation and the deeper unfolding of bringing forth life. Giving birth is a very intimate and delicate experience and I chose to take this journey with people who see it as a sacred ceremony and want to experience it as such. All women and men have instinctual and intuitive responses. These responses can be nurtured and enhanced by all caregivers. I offer acupuncture and acupressure to help the labour process, to induce labour in case it’s needed, to reduce pain and to help with postpartum recovery.

The difference between a doula and a midwife

A midwife is medically trained and oriented to the technical, medical details of the birth, while a doula is more about the mother, the bigger picture and the energy in the room. The primer work of a doula is to support and help the mother to go through the process of birth in the most optimal way - spiritually, emotionally and physically. A Doula holds and creates space for anything that comes up during birth. She can help with soothing the sensations, pain relief and makes sure that any request of the mother, as well as the father, is taken care of. Depending on her personality and background, a doula holds a various spectrum of tools (such as acupuncture, aromatherapy, hypnosis, music etc). above all, Doulas are holding the frequency of the divine feminine and carry in their heart the love of all the mothers and sisters, witnessing you on the most miraculous event in your life. The work of a doula does not substitute the work of a midwife. While midwives are highly focused on technicalities (measuring the cervix opening, heart rate, taking down records and making sure emergency tools are ready), Doulas are there to do work on a more subtle level, making sure that things are running smoothly for everyone who is involved in the birth, while offering whole heart support for the mother.

Placenta .


What’s Placenta?

Watch to see the sides of the placenta, how it looks like, where the baby lives and how it's connected to both the baby and the uterus.


The placenta is the lifeline between your baby and your blood supply. Through all stages of pregnancy, it allows your baby to eat and breathe. The placenta is the portal, the gate between you and your baby, and what keeps the baby alive and nourished. It is full of good stuff like stem cells, vitamins B6 and B12, iron, estrogen and progesterone, reproductive hormones that are abundant during pregnancy but drop after you give birth — which can potentially contribute to postpartum depression (PPD).

Eating the placenta helps the mother to recover faster, boost postpartum energy levels and helps prevent depression.


So what do we do with the placenta?

-Give a piece to the Earth as an offering

-Eat a raw piece in a smoothie

-Dehydrate and encapsulate.

Use some for fast recovery of the mother and save some for the child in case they get sick in the

future. It is their medicine!

You can also sprinkle some in their food to create more peace and harmony between your


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Placenta Reading

After birth, we normally wait a few hours for blood levels to balance between the baby and the lacenta, before we cut the cord. (*Lotus birth - leave the umbilical cord to fall by itself in that case you will need a little bag for the placenta and you will carry it around with the baby). Shortly after the birth and before encapsulating, you can choose to do a Placenta reading. The placenta is not only a medicine for the mother as well as the baby, it is also a very powerful way to communicate and transmit messages from the baby to the parents. Its blood vessel system is shaped like a tree and it carries strong energy of life force and vitality. After we read the messages for the mother and the father and sometimes messages for humanity from the future generations, we can start we Placenta encapsulating.

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Placenta encapsulation 


Animals eat the placenta and it has been practiced in Traditional Chinese Medicine and other traditions from ancient times. Eating the placenta can ward off anemia, help increase milk supply, balance hormones, relief pain and lower your chances of PPD. The placenta is dehydrated, powdered and encapsulated. Then kept in the freezer. It is recommended for the mother to take as much as needed and save some for the baby for a time they might get ill. Every time the child doesn’t feel well, you can sprinkle some of this precious medicine in their food. If you have more than one child and they keep fighting, sprinkle some on their plates to create peace. Use your intuition and guidance and allow yourself to be guided by the placenta itself regarding when and how to use it.

Questions before getting started?

Get in touch.

The information provided is for informational purposes only and should not be considered to be healthcare advice or medical diagnosis, treatment or prescribing. None of this information should be considered a promise of benefits, a claim of cures, a legal warranty or a guarantee of results to be achieved. This information is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other healthcare professionals. You should not use this information for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare professional before altering or discontinuing any current medications, treatment or care, starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.